Brian Parks

Blog Posts

How useful is an Apple Watch when you use an Android phone?

07 Nov 2018

I just won an Apple Watch (Series 4) from a contest at Cherwell Software, but I don't use an iPhone as my primary phone. This blog post is the first in what will be a series of blog posts about how effectively I can use an Apple Watch with or in spite of my Android Phone.

How to read a Manual

03 May 2017

Far more often than I care to recall, I feel as though people don't read manuals. I think this is due either to the feeling that the author of a manual is somehow talking down to us or the feeling that needing to read the manual somehow makes us less of a person. Basically, it's due to a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of a manual.

Oracle is Wrong. APIs can not be copyrighted

26 May 2016

Oracle and Google have been battling in court for years over whether Google's reimplementation of the Java APIs in Android constitutes copyright infringement. Note that the issue at stake is not whether Google infringed on Oracles copyright with regard to the implementation source code, but to the APIs themselves. Pivotal to understanding the situation is determining what, exactly, is an API. The judge in the case (who is cited in most articles as having learned Java specifically so he could understand this case, but that reads to me like a failure on the part of the prosecution to adequately explain what an API is) uses this metaphor:

The (Abusing, Misusing) Stable Context Pattern

15 Oct 2015

How often have you written a piece of code that sets state (opens database connections, sets variables to let the rest of the world know what it's doing, etc.) at the beginning, does some processing, and then resets (or unsets) that state at the end of the function. Something like the following, which is arguably a subset of what I'm describing, but is realistically analogous to the piece of code that led me to this pattern (by fixing what may be one of the most embarrassing bugs of my career):

Murphy's Law

15 Oct 2015

There's a little-known variant of Murphy's Law that says "Whenever a server goes down that absolutely needs to be brought back online immediately, it's inevitably the one that's accessible only via serial console and its only text editor is ed."

Why is "Enterprise" synonymous with "old, outdated systems"

15 Sep 2015

This morning, I listened to a recent episode of Hanselminutes, "Developing Designers with Catt Small". During their discussion, Scott mentions that "Internet Explorer will die" and "Safari is holding the web back," which immediately prompted a discussion of how evergreen browsers are presenting new and exciting challenges to todays web designers and front-end developers.

Is ASP.NET finally a viable cross-platform web solution?

02 Jul 2015

After a year and a half of (slowly) developing my PHP MVC framework pails, complete with its plugin architecture, CMS framework, authentication system, and eventual plans to embrace the composer ecosystem, I'm excited by some of the new things from the .NET community.

To podcast or not to podcast

29 Jun 2015

Well, it got to be about that time when I started to miss podcasting. More accurately, I started to miss rambling aimlessly about topic that I knew something about that listeners would listen to. I don't know if anyone has started to miss the podcast, but I feel it's time to revisit the format and give it a bit of a refresh.

Picturebooth Social Wall

27 Feb 2015

So... I just got home from pitching the Picturebooth Social Wall at Colorado Springs New Tech with Ross Hill. The response was extremely positive and it's very exciting to get all the feedback we got.

Pails CMS 1.0

10 Feb 2015

This is the first release of Pails CMS 1.0. It's not necessarily the most full-featured, but it's definitely a CMS and it's definitely pretty cool. Check it out and let me know what you think.