It seems like everybody and their brother has a blog. I felt left out. This is my weak attempt at a blog. If I don’t keep it up to date, oh well - We’ll just have to keep in touch the old-fashioned way.
Sure, I’m a week behind. It’s been a busy month (and week). Today I went to look at road bikes (with a friend; he was looking at the same sort of bike, as his mountain bike needs some repairs). A bike would mean I don’t have to walk up to the University every morning.
Our first day of snow was this past Monday (last day of summer, earliest snow most people seem to remember). A picture of the peak that I took yesterday is to the right.
Rewinding back to August 17th, when I arrived here in Colorado, I spent the next three days (17th, 18th, 19th) unpacking and getting furniture and other such nonsense. My parents left Thursday morning (the 20th), and I started actually working on the following Monday (the 24th). I haven’t really stopped working since.
The past couple weekends (or some days during the weeks - it varies, and all the days are starting to blend together), me and some of my labmates have gone to some local bars/breweries. The breweries in Colorado Springs are worth checking out.
Some of the weekends, I’ve gone hiking in various local parks. The terrain is … interesting, having been used to Pennsylvania and New Jersey. It’s dry and scrubby, though this year the ravines and areas closer to where runoff collects are quite green, I’m told, because of the surprisingly plentiful rain that this year has seen.
In other news, I got an iPhone. Since I was moving area codes (physically), it was easier to get a new number than to finagle AT&T and Verizon to play nice. That means that I have a new number: (719)-216-3291
Now for the report card part:
- Taste in beer: A+
- Cooking ability: C
- Communication with the girlfriend: A
- Work ethic: A
- "Life": B
- Outdoorsmanship: B
- Hygiene: A+
- Finances: C